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1 Resultado de traducción para to affirm en español


affirm verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
affirmed, has affirmed, is affirming, affirms
afirmar, aseverar, declarar

Ejemplos de uso de
affirm verb

  • We cannot affirm that this painting is genuine.
  • They neither affirmed nor denied their guilt.
  • laws affirming the racial equality of all peoples
  • They continued to affirm their religious beliefs.
  • The decision was affirmed by a higher court.

Sinónimos de
affirm verb

Sinónimos detallados para affirm verb

Ver: Assert

Traducción inversa para to affirm

afirmar  - to state, to affirm, to make firm, to strengthen 
aseverar  - to assert, to state 
declarar  - to declare, to state, to testify 
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